MacWorld 1999 January - Disc 2
Macworld (1999-01) (Disk 2).dmg
Shareware World
Master Spell
Intermediate Words
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abhorrenceabhorrence, meaning disgusting
abridgment/abridgementabridgement, as in, an abridgement to a book
abscessabscess, meaning area of pus
absorptionabsorption, as in, a sponge provides good absorption
accessaccess, as in, I doubt you have access to Fort Knox
accessoryac cessory, as in, what's the next ac cessory you will buy for your mac?
accidentallyaccidentally, as in, I accidentally deleted your system folder
accompanyingaccompanying, meaning to supplement
accumulateaccumulate, as in, I hope the snow will accumulate so we won't have school
accustomeduhcustummed, past tense meaning used to
achesaches, as in, my back aches
achieveachieve, as in, can you achieve 100% on this test?
achievementachievement, as in, getting 100% on this test is an achievement
acknowledgeacknowledge, as in, I acknowledge that I'm not an easy grader
acquaintanceacquaintance, as in it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance
acquireacquire, meaning to gain possession of
acquitacquit, meaning to clear from a charge
adequateadequate, as in, take an adequate amount of water for your desert hike
admissionadmission, as in, I paid $7 admission to see the movie
advantageousadvantageous, as in, it is advantageous to practice before a test
advertisementadvertisement, as in, a bill-board is an advertisement
adviser/advisoraddviser, meaning one that advises
advisingaddvising, meaning informing
aggravateaggravate, as in, please don't aggravate me with poor test results
aggressiveaggressive, as in, foot-ball is an aggressive sport
allegedalleged, as in alleged to have committed a crime
alphabetalphuhbet, as in, what can you spell with your bowl of alphuhbet soup
amateuramateur, meaning one who does something as a pastime instead of a profession
ambitiousambitious, as in, if you’re ambitious you will set your goals high
analysisanalysis, meaning the seperation of something into parts for study
analyzeanallize, meaning to separate into parts to find the nature of the whole
angelangel, meaning a messangjer of God
anticipationanticipation, as in, I waited in great anticipation for Christmas
anxietyanxiety, meaning a state of apprehension about something in the future
apparentapparent, meaning readily visible
apparentlyapparently, meaning readily visible
appearanceappearance, as in, your appearance is important at a jawb interview
appetiteappetite, as in, I have an appetite for ice cream cake and cookies
appliedapplied, as in, my brother applied his flight simulator knowledge to flying a real plane
appointmentappointment, as in, I have a doctors appointment on the twenty-first
appreciateappreciate, as in, people appreciate a good speller
approachapproach, as in, the plane descended into its final approach
approvalapproval, as in, what is the approval rating of our president
approximatelyapproximately, as in, words cannot be spelled approximately and still be correct
argueargue, as in, it is difficult to argue with the eye r s
assistanceassistance, meaning help
assistantassistant, meaning one who helps
associateassociate, meaning one joined as a partner in an act or a business
associationassociation, as in, the national rifle association
attractivenessattractiveness, as in, your attractiveness can be improved by showering
audienceaudience, as in, the audience laughed at his poor spelling
authorityauthority, as in, a police officer is granted authority to give you a ticket
balloonballoon, as in, a hot air balloon
basisbasis, as in, you need to have a basis for that argument
beginningbeginning, meaning starting
behaviorbehavior, as in, bad behavior should not be tolerated
bornborn, meaning brought into life
borneborne, meaning carried
breathbreath, as in, you have bad breath
breathebreathe, as in, if you don't breathe, you will not live
Britainbritain, the island country of europe
cafeteriacafeteria, as in, lets get lunch at the cafeteria
calculatorcalculator, and don't go looking in the Apple menu
campaigncampaign, meaning operation to achieve a certain goal
candidatecandidate, as in, John Doh is a poor candidate for president
carelesscareless, as in, running around in a thunderstorm is very careless
caresscaress, meaning a gentle touch
categoricallycategorically, meaning without exception or qualification
characteristiccharacteristic, as in, it is characteristic of windows to be easily breakable
chocolatechocolate, as in, I love chocolate milk
circuitsurkit, as in, surkit breaker
circumstancecircumstance, as in, pomp and circumstance
collectible/collectablecollectible, meaning a prized piece for a collection
comfortablycomfortably, as in, this shoe fits comfortably on my big foot
commitmentcommitment, meaning promise
communicationcommunication, as in, the telephone is a means of communication
communitycommunity, as in, as part of his conviction he received 100 hours of community service
companiescompanies, as in, Ford and G M are car manufacturing companies
comparisoncomparison, as in, there is no comparison to the real thing
competitioncompetition, as in, Master Spell is good practice for competition in a spelling bee
comprehensioncomprehension, meaning understanding
concertconcert, meaning musical performance
condemncondemn, meaning to express strong disapproval of
congratulationscongratulations, meaning the act of expressing joy at accomplishment or good fortune
consistencyconsistency, as in, I grade these tests with consistency
consistentconsistent, meaning being in agreement with itself
contemporarycontemporary, meaning current or modern
controversycontroversy, meaning a dispute
correspondencecorrespondence, meaning communication by way of letters
countriescountries, meaning nations
courageouscourageous, meaning brave
crisiscrisis, as in, there is a crisis in the white house
criticizecriticize, meaning one's action of pointing out fault
cruellycruelly, meaning causing suffering or pain
crueltycrueldty, meaning the quality of being cruel
curiouscurious, as in curious george and the electric fence
customarycustomary, meaning traditionally
cylindercylinder, meaning a 3 dimensional prism with a round base
deceptiondeception, as in, cults use deception to lure intelligent people
decidedlydecidedly, as in, he is decidedly against abortion
deficiencydeficiency, as in, she has a blood sugar deficiency
deficientdeficient, meaning to be lacking
degreedegree, as in, Master Spell does not offer a degree in spelling
delinquentdelleenquent, as in, a juvenile delleenquent gets into trouble
describedescribe, as in, it is easy to describe the things we like
desertdesert, meaning to abandon
dessertdessert, meaning ice cream cake and cookies
deterioratedeteriorate, as in, your teeth will deteriorate if you never brush them
detrimentdetriment, as in, smoking is a detriment to your health
devicedevice, as in, a machine is a device
devisedevise, meaning to draw a plan
diningdining, as in, dining at a fine restaurant
disappeardisappear, as in, the magician made his assistant disappear
discipledisciple, as in, disciple of jeesus
discriminatediscrimin 8, as in, one should discrimin 8 based on behavior
disillusioneddissillusioned, meaning dissench ant ed
doesn'tdoesn't, as in, it doesn't matter
drawerdrawer, as in the dresser drawer
effecteffect, meaning result
efficiencyefficiency, as in, fuel efficiency is a criterion for buying a car
efficientefficient, as in, the efficient use of energy saves you money but not the planet
eighth[[inpt PHON]]_1EYtTT[[inpt TEXT]], as in sixth, seventh, [[inpt PHON]]_1EYtTT[[inpt TEXT]]
eligibleeligible, meaning quaollified
emphasizeemphasize, as in, the make up emphasized her good features
employee/employeemployee, meaning the person employed
endeavorendeavor, meaning a concerted effort toward a goal
EnglishEnglish, meaning the language I've bin speaking too you
enterpriseenterprise, meaning a business organization
enthusiasmenthusiasm, as in, I took the spelling test with much enthusiasm
environmentalenvironmental, as in, fear of environmental catastrophe is how the powerful lure people to give up freedom
equallyequally, as in, reading and math are equally important
equippedequipped, the past tense of equip
equivalentequivalent, as in, one gahllon is equivalent to 3.8 leeters
essentialessential, meaning inherent
exceptexcept, meaning other than
exceptionallyexceptionally, as in, you will hopefully do exceptionally well on this test
excitableexcitable, meaning easily excited
exhaustedexhausted, meaning tired
expectationexpectation, as in, we worked with the expectation that we would be paid
extraordinaryextrordinary, meaning beyond the ordinary
eyeing/eyingeyeing, as in that pervert is eyeing you
facilitiesfacilities, as in, no dogs are allowed on these facilities
fairfair, meaning average or lovely
faithfulnessfaithfulness, as in, faithfulness is important to marriage
familiarfamiliar, as in, are you familiar with the streets of downtown chicago?
familiesfamilies, as in, many families went to the amusement park last summer
farefare, meaning a fee for transportation
FebruaryFebruary, the second month of the year
finallyfinally, as in, aren't you wondering when this will finally be over
financiallyfinancially, meaning having to do with money
foreignforeign, meaning from outside
forfeitforfeit, meaning giving up
forthforth, meaning forward
fourthfourth, meaning one more than third
fraudulentfraudulent, meaning the quality of fraud
frighteningfrightening, meaning scary
generallygenerally, meaning commonly
geniusgenius, as in, it doesn't take genius to learn to spell
grammargrammar, meaning rules of language construction
graphicgraphic, as in, the graphic artist found it easier to use a mac
guaranteeguarantee, meaning assurance
guidanceguidance, meaning leading
happeninghappen-ning, as in, what do you think is happen-ning in the white house right now
happinesshappy-ness, as in, do you think that money brings happy-ness?
heartilyheartily, as in, after a long day of work, the farmer ate heartily
heavierheavier, as in, a brick is heavier than a feather
herdherd, meaning a group of animals
holehole, meaning an openning
hopinghoping, meaning to wish for
hospitalityhospitality, as in, his hospitality was extended to all the guests
humiliatedhumiliated, as in, she was humiliated by her husbands puerill behavior
hurriedlyhurriedly, meaning moving rapidly
hypocrisyhypocrisy, meaning professing beliefs that one doesn't believe
hypocritehypocrite, meaning one who professes beliefs contrary to his own beliefs
ideallyideally, meaning the best possible situation
illogicalillogical, meaning against logic
immediatelyimmediately, meaning at this time
importantimportant, as in, it's important to wear your seatbelt
impossibleimpossible, meaning not possible
inadvertentinadvertent, meaning done without concious thought
inconvenienceinconvenience, meaning not convenient
increaseincrease, as in, an increase in taxes is a decrease in freedom
independenceindependence, meaning state of subsisting on its own
independentindependent, meaning subsisting on its own
industrialindustrial, as in, the area is zoned for industrial use
influentialinfluential, meaning having the quality to influence
initiativeinitiative, as in, he took the initiative to collect petitions
innocenceinnocence, meaning not guilty
insistenceinsistence, meaning firm demanding or standing
insistentinsistent, meaning a firm demand or stand
installationinstallation, as in, a software installation should be easy and fast
intellectualintellectual, as in, economic philosophy is an intellectual pursuit
intercedeinterseed, meaning to plead on anothers behalf
interferenceinterference, meaning hindering
interruptinterrupt, meaning to stop the continuity of
invariableinvariable, as in, the law of gravity is a very invariable law
irrelevantirrelevant, unrelated
islandisland, meaning land surrounded on all sides by water
jealousyjealousy, as in, jealousy is at the root of dislike for macs
judgment/judgementjudgment, as in, final judgment will come at the end of the world
judiciousjudicious, as in, a good judge is fair and judicious
kidnapped/kidnapedkidnapped, meaning to illegally abduct
knowledgeknowledge, meaning that which one knows
laboratorylaboratory, meaning the area where experiments are conducted
laidlaid, as in, I laid down my sleepy head
languagelanguage, as in, do you know another language besides English?
ledled, meaning past tense of leed
legitimatelejitimate, meaning that which is in accordance with law
leisureleesure, as in, do you get to do what you want in your leesure time?
lenientlenient, meaning making exceptions
lessenlessen, meaning to make less
lessonlesson, meaning something learned
liabilityliability, meaning responsibility
likable/likeablelikable, meaning easily liked
likelihoodlighkleehood, meaning probable
liquefy/liquifyliquefy, meaning to make into liquid
lonelinessloneliness, meaning the state of being lonely
loyaltyloyal-tee, as in, the soldier's loyal-tee to his country is to the death
luxuryluxury, meaning comfort
maintenancemaintenance, as in, computers sometimes require much maintenance
manufacturingmanufacturing, as in, the manufacturing division of our company produces cellphones
marriagemarriage, meaning the institution of commitment established by god between man and woman
mechanicsmechanics, as in, do you understand the mechanics of a jet engine?
metropolitanmetropolitan, as in, chicago is a metropolitan city
millionairemillionaire, meaning one whose wealth meets or exceeds a million of some currency
missilemissile, meaning the weapon
mournfulmoornful, meaning sorrowful
musclemuscle, meaning the body part that allows you to move
musicianmusician, as in, being a good musician takes years of practice
mysteriousmysterious, meaning that which is of a mystery
mystifyingmystifying, meaning to puzzle or confuse
neighborneighbor, meaning one who lives nearby
nineteennineteen, meaning one less than twenty
ninetyninety, as in ninety percent correct is a pretty good score
noticingnoticing, meaning the act of observing
nuclearnuclear, as in, nuclear power is a good source of electricity
numerousnumerous, meaning many
occupyingoccupying, as in, occupying territory is one way of controlling it
occuruhker, meaning happen
offenseoffense, meaning to cause anger
officialofficial, meaning authorized by an authority
opinionopinion, as in, court decisions ought not be decided by public opinion poles
opponentopponent, meaning one who opposes
opportunitiesopportunities, as in, America is still the land of opportunities
opportunityopportunity, meaning a favorable circumstance
ordinarilyordinarily, meaning commonly
organizationorganization, as in, some employers value organization skills
originorigin, meaning the point at which something comes into existence
originallyoriginally, meaning having to do with the origin of
pamphletpamphlet, meaning booklet in paper covers
participatedparticipated, meaning to take part
particularlyparticularly, as in, I particularly like talking
peculiarpeculiar, meaning unnusual
pedal[[inpt PHON]]_p1EH2=dAXl[[inpt TEXT]], as in a bicycle [[inpt PHON]]_p1EH2=dAXl[[inpt TEXT]]
permanentpermanent, meaning lasting
personalpersonal, as in, it was too personal a question for me to answer
perspirationperspirration, meaning sweat
pertainpertain, as in, does your question pertain to our discussion?
petal[[inpt PHON]]_p1EH2=dAXl[[inpt TEXT]], as in a flower [[inpt PHON]]_p1EH2=dAXl[[inpt TEXT]]
philosophyphilosophy, meaning study of the truth or principle of knowledge
piercepierce, as in, only women should pierce their ears
plausibleplausible, meaning believeable
portrayedportrayed, as in, the actor portrayed a likable character
possibilitypossibility, as in, there is a possiblity of rain today
practicallypractically, meaning nearly
prairieprairie, meaning grass covered plain in north america
precedeprecede, meaning to come before
preferablepreferable, meaning more desirable
prejudiceprejudisse, as in, I have a prejudisse against satan worshippers
presencepresence, as in, your presence is required in order to take the S Ay tees
pretensepretense, meaning a false appearance
proceedproceed, meaning to go forward with
prodigyprodigy, meaning a person with exceptional talents or powers
prominentprominent, meaning immediately notice-ibble
propeller/propellorpropeller, as in, the propeller of an airplane
provisionsprovisions, as in, we only had provisions for 2 days
pursuedpursued, as in, a fox was pursued by hounds
qualitiesqualities, as in, she has many fine qualities
quantumquontum, as in, what's the next quontum advance in computer technology
queueq, meaning to line up
quizzesquizses, as in i give pop quizses to keep you on your toes
readablereadable, meaning able to read
realisticallyrealistically, as in, you can realistically believe your spelling will improve
recollectionrecollection, as in, my recollection of the sixties is dim
referredreferred, as in she referred me to a spehcialist
rehearsalrehersal, as in the rehersal for the play
relevantrelevant, as in, is your point relevant to our discussion
religionreligion, as in, give me that old time religion was a great song
religiousreligious, as in, the Bible is a religious text
rememberremember, as in, do you remember what you did last summer?
repetitionrepetition, meaning to occur again
repetitiousrepehtih shus, as in, I try not to be repehtih shus with my words within a test
repetitivelyrepetitively, meaning characterized by repetition
representativerepresentative, meaning something that stands in the place of
requirementsrequirements, as in, our requirements include a PhD in philosophy
resourcesresources, as in, our national resources are an asset to our country
reviewingreviewing, as in, after reviewing the evidence we found her guilty
rhyme/rimerhyme, as in, I can rhyme poet and not know it
ridiculousridiculous, as in, it would be ridiculous to get this word wrong
righteousrighteous, as in, righteous citizens seldom find trouble with the law
rivalryrivalry, as in, our rivalry with the cross town team drew a large crowd
sandwichsandwich, as in, peanutbutter and jelly is my favorite sandwich
satellitesatellite, meaning something in orbit
satisfactionsatisfaction, as in, satisfaction guaranteed or your money back
satisfiedsatisfied, as in, I was very satisfied with the ten-or of the opera
saucersaucer, as in, hot coco spilled into my saucer when my cup tipped
scenescene, as in, the scene changes in the next chapter
sceneryseenery, as in, a change of seenery will do you good
scheduleschedule, as in, it was a tight schedule, but we finished by March
scientificscientific, as in, a scientific approach will give us a better answer
seizeseize, meaning to take control
seizureseizure, meaning a [[inpt PHON]]_s1UXd1EHn_UXt1AEk[[inpt TEXT]]
seriousnessseriousness, as in, the seriousness of the situation caused concern
sheriffshairiff, as in, i shot the shairiff
shouldershoulder, as in, head shoulder knees and toes
sightsight, meaning the ability to see
signaled/signalledsignulled, as in, the shot heard around the world signulled the beginning of the american revolution
sincerelysincerely, meaning genuine
sitesite, meaning a place
situationsituation, as in, having studied, his situation was positive for the test
skiingskeeing, as in, I'm going skeeing in the mount tins next winter
solicitorsolicitor, meaning one who solicits
soothesoothe, meaning to make calm
sophomoresophomore, meaning a second-year student
sorrowfulsorrowful, as in, we felt sorrowful over his sudden demise
specializationspecialization, as in, her specialization was in oriental music
spiraled/spiralledspiraled, meaning a circular motion that varies in offset
stationarystationary, as in, the population of our town has been stationary for years
stoppingstopping, meaning the act of bringing to a stop
straightenstraightten, as in, the kids need to straightten up their room
straitjacket/straightjacketstraitjacket, meaning a binding garmet
subscriptionsubscription, as in, my magazine subscription as run out
substitutesubstitute, as in, there is no substitute for love
successfulsuccessful, as in, the mission was successful and we returned to base
sufficientsufficient, meaning [[inpt PHON]]_kw1AOlIXf2AYd_1[[inpt TEXT]]
surroundedsurrounded, as in, the pioneers were surrounded by indians
suspensesa spense,as in, the sa spense was killing us
suspicioussuspicious, meaning tending to suspect
swimmingswimming, as in, swimming is an enjoyable sport
symbolsymbol, as in, the eagle is an american symbol
synonymoussynonymous, meaning similar meaning
systemsystem, as in, does apple provide the best operating system yet?
teen-age/teenageteenage, meaning ages 13 through 19
temperaturetemperature, meaning degree of hotness or coldness
tendencyten dency, as in, windows have a ten dency to break easily
territoryterritory, as in, Alaska was a territory before it was a state
theoriestheories, as in, many theories have been waygered on why the dinosaurs died
they'rethey're, as in, they're going on a family picnic
thirtythirty, as in, 3 decades equals thirty years
thoroughthorough, meaning exhaustively complete
thoroughlythoroughly, meaning exhaustively complete
thousandthousand, as in, a single step starts a journey of a thousand miles
throughoutthroughout, as in, the convenience store is open throughout the year
tobaccoto bac o, as in to bac o leaves are used in cigarettes
tranquillity/tranquilitytrangquillity, meaning peaceful
transmittertransmitter, as in, the radio transmitter broadcasts at 100,000 watts
transportationtransportation, as in, a jet is your fastest means of transportation
tremendoustremendous, as in, thanks for your tremendous support
TuesdayTuesday, as in, Mardy graw means fat tuesday
twentiethtwentieth, as in, she pays her bills on the twentieth of each month
tyingtying, as in, velcro is an alternative to tying your shoes
undesirableundesirable, as in, picking up head lice i would find undesirable
undoubtedlyundoubtedly, meaning without doubt
uneasinessun easyness, as in, an un easyness in her manner was apparrent
untiluntil, as in, we're going to keep doing this until you get it right
unusualunusual, as in, it's not unusual to be loved by anyone
usable/useableusable, meaning able to use
usageusage, as in, your usage of the english language is atrocious
usefuluseful, as in, a comb on a windy day can be extremely useful
usualusual, as in, the sheep came home in their usual way, wahgging their tails
vacuum[[inpt PHON]]_v1AEk_yUWm[[inpt TEXT]], as in, a [[inpt PHON]]_v1AEk_yUWm[[inpt TEXT]] cleaner
varietiesvarieties, as in, Hines has 57 varieties
variousvarious, as in, the children painted in various colors on the side walk
vegetablevegetable, as in, I have a vegetable garden in my back yard
vengeancevengeance, meaning retribution
veterinaryveterinary, meaning concerning the medical treatment of animals
victimvictim, as in, a victim of circumstances once again, I arrived late to the dance
virtuallyvirtually, meaning practically
vitaminvitamin, as in, a vitamin a day keeps the doctor away
wanderwander, as in, the cats wander our neighborhood at night
Wednesdaywednesday, meaning the day after tuesday
whollywholly, as in wholly complete
witnessedwitnessed, as in, could he have witnessed the crime from the car?